The Obsolescence Management module helps you as a user of Microsoft Dynamics NAV to manage write-downs of your stock value in a controlled manner.
When you run obsolescence management, the system automatically groups your articles into groups for individual write-downs according to your wishes. The grouping is saved on each article before the next run/write-down.
The function is simple and rational and will save you a lot of time and effort!
Are you interested and want to order? Contact us directly on 031-727 78 00 or fill in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Price excl. VAT: SEK 10,000
Upgrade fee: SEK 133/month
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Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.
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