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Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Business Central - On Premise
Microsoft Business 365 Business Central - On Premise is Microsoft's most modern business system for you who want to own and manage your product on your own server/data center.

WooCommerce is the largest and best developed eCommerce platform built to work with WordPress that exists. WooCommerce
is today the most popular eCommerce platform for small and medium-sized web shop companies in the world and is growing steadily.
Built to Work with WordPress
Since WordPress and WooCommerce are open source this means you have complete freedom to customize how you would like to use them and all documentation is available online. As a WordPress plugin, WooCommerce shares all of WordPress’s advantages. The fact that 1/5 of the world’s websites use WordPress is probably one of the many reasons why WooCommerce is so popular.
Necessary Functions
Of course, in WooCommerce you have all the necessary functions that may be needed in your web shop, including:
You can even expand WooCommerce’s functionality through extensions. For example, most of the various payment services already exist as extensions so you just need to install them, and they are ready to use. Are you missing a payment service (or any other function in WooCommerce)? You can create an extension for that.
For webshops large to small
WooCommerce is suitable for all web shops, regardless of if you have 10 products or 10,000. Therefore, WooCommerce is the eCommerce platform that you grow into. There are no limits to how many products or categories you can have, but this is based upon the basic functions of WordPress where there are sites with hundreds of thousands of pages.
At Update we have chosen to work with Wallmander & Co, which is one of Sweden's leading companies with excellent quality and proven experience with building eCommerce solutions with WooCommerce.
Integration with NAV
To integrate WooCommerce with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central you need a connector. For this connector we work with Tinx-IT. With Update, you can purchase or rent your Tinx-IT connector.
Click the button below for the price list.

For more information, demonstration or quote
contact our project managers:
Stefan Åström 0708-326326
Anton Johansson0733-439805
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